The GR Dietitian Blog

How to Make Quick-Pickled Red Onions
Want to add some excitement to your veggies? You’ll love the flavor, crunch and the benefits you’ll gain from these quick-pickled red onions. Not everyone

What Is Gentle Nutrition In Intuitive Eating, And How Do I Start?
“Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition” is the tenth principle in the framework of Intuitive Eating, a non-diet approach to nutrition. In this article, we’re

How To Handle A Disrupted Body Image Moment
The world we live in can be full of triggers that can interfere with how you feel about your body. If you’re having a “disrupted,”

What Is A Superbill, And How Can I Use It?
If you’d like to work with a dietitian who does not take your insurance, a superbill can be a crucial tool to help you save

Virtual Intuitive Eating Support Group
Are you looking to end the dieting cycle and create a healthier relationship with food and your body? Want to stop obsessing over your food

Self-Care Journal Prompts For A Healthy Relationship With Food
The term “self-care” gets thrown around a lot as simply pampering activities, like bubble baths or pedicures. But it can also include a broad range